Glosario en inglés

1.- Productivity:”It’s an economic mensure that calculates how many goods and services have been produced by each factor used during a certain period.”
2.- Efficiency: “Refers to the ability, capacity or possibility to achieve an objective or and end using that least amount of avaliable resources. An efficient behavior is one that proposes a rational and coherent strategy that albws maximizing and optimizing time, resources and decisions.”
3.- Efficacy: "Is the ability to achieve a desired effect or result through a
specific action."

4.- Warehouse: "Is a specially structured and planned place to guard, protect and control the company's fixed or variable assets, before they are requiered for the administration or dale of artiedes or goods"

5.- Cellar: "A cellar is an area or temporary storage of goods that are stored there"

6.-Shelving: "Is a metal structure desingned to store goods, is composed of props attached to the groun an linked to each other, these props can height of the cellar or warehouse"

7.- Optimize: "Seek better results, more effectivencess or greater efficiency in the performance of a task"

8.- Layout: "It's word processing and auto-editing layout refers to the disposition of texts and graphics"

9.- Perishable goods: "Are those who are likely to break down or become unsafe to consume. Should be stored at 40 °F (44°C)"


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